

So gelingt Ihre Fotodekoration

Would you like to personalise your interior decoration? Printing your own personal photos is a perfect solution. To create a successful mural decoration, your choice of photograph, but also the type of print and its framing are primordial. Explore our ideas and the advice of our partner, the photography laboratory to the finest galleries and renowned photographers, to pull off your own personal photo decoration with taste and flair! Adorning your walls with your personal photos and creating an interior that reflects your personal style will hold no more secrets for you. Lesen Sie mehr

Was genau ist ein Schattenfugenrahmen ?

Kunstgalerien, Museen, Künstler oder Innenarchitekten: alle haben den Schattenfugenrahmen zu ihrer liebsten Rahmung erklärt. Die minimalistische Eleganz eines Schattenfugenrahmens überzeugt Amateure und Profis – aber was genau ist ein Schattenfugenrahmen eigentlich? Lesen Sie mehr

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